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Tottenham 2024-25 kit: New home, away, third & goalkeeper jerseys, release dates, shirt leaks & prices

Submitted by daniel on
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The first expectation with any other Tottenham kit is that nothing much changes from a predominantly white jersey. After Nike released their first kit for the club in the 2017-18 season, the American sportswear giant agreed a 15-year deal worth £30 million a year with the club in October 2018.

Nike carried forward nearly the same looks through the years, with AIA also continuing their association as the main shirt sponsor since 2014.

However, Spurs fans are in for a certain nostalgic throwback as the new jersey can be compared to the club's 2005-06 home strip that was then manufactured by Kappa with Thompson as the main shirt sponsor.

GOAL takes a look at what the likes of Son Heing-min, Richarlison and co. will be wearing in the upcoming season.
